Saturday, August 4, 2012

Here's something we can all agree on!

Gymnastics is a pretty controversial sport. We all know that. And the Olympics really do bring out the worst in gymnastics fans around the world. We like to argue. And we like to debate.

Gabby Douglas was overscored. Wieber was being underscored. The Russian's are snobby diva's. The American's shouldn't have won. NBC's Olympic coverage sucks. Aly Raisman didn't deserve to be in the All Around. Her leotard is ugly. I hope Douglas falls so Komova can win. I hope Komova falls so Douglas can win. Tie breakers are so unfair. And what the heck is up with Mckayla Maroney's hair?

ALL things I have heard on the Gymternet in the past week.

Normally, I would say there is nothing in this world that us gym fans can agree on. BUT...I think I might have found the exception.

Mckayla Maroney's vault = perfection

Photo created by Gymfan15 on IG

Now let there be peace.