Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Gold Medal Summer" Book Review

For 14 year old Joey Jordan, there has really only been one goal in gymnastics: win gold. Winning is all Joey ever thinks about and she's determined to make this her "Gold Medal Summer" once and for all!

Gold Medal Summer book cover

Unable to avoid getting psyched by her rivals, Joey feels like she's living in the shadow of her older sister, Julia, who won the National Championship at age 16, only to retire with an injury a short time later. Big changes shake up Joey's life both in and outside of the gym, when her best friend and teammate Alex, decided to quit the sport of gymnastics for good. Alex has always been the darling of the Gansett Stars and the pressure to perform up to Alex's standards at the upcoming Regional Championships, is weighing heavy on Joey's shoulders. To make the situation stickier, Joey's old friend Tanner is back in town and cuter than ever! For the first time in her life, Joey is experiencing things that most normal girls get to experience, all while trying to defy her coach and get new and improved routines ready for Regional's... behind his back. Will Joey crash under the high expectations of her family, friends, and coaches? Or will she rise above all the drama and FINALLY have her gold medal summer?

As a gymnastics fan, I found this book highly entertaining! Even if you have never been a gymnast, the daily struggles Joey faces are relatable to any girl going through her teen years. I liked how in the beginning of the book, Freitas includes detailed pictures of 8 basic gymnastics moves for readers who may be fairly new to the sport. It's an easy read for children ages 10 and up. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in gymnastics or has a child competing in the sport.

Buy Gold Medal Summer:
If you would like to buy a copy of Donna Freitas "Gold Medal Summer" you can purchase one at the links below.

Buy on Amazon

Buy on Barnes and Noble


  1. I want to read "Gold Medal Summer" because it combines two things I love, reading and gymnastics. It's always nice when two things you love cross paths, so I immediately wanted to read this book once I found out about it. I'd also like to see the pictures of the 8 basic gymnastics moves you mentioned because I've been trying to learn gymnastics skills. (: - @amanda_carmela (You know my Facebook.)

  2. I would love to read "Gold Medal Summer" because I love all things gymnastics and especially love reading! I am fairly new to following elite gymnastics (a little over a year) but am eager to read anything I can get my hands on to learn more about the sport. I did gymnastics for about 18 months when I was about 5-6 years old but had to quit because of an injury and have recently gotten back in to it and started following it again! - Molly Miller @mollymoo10394

  3. I'd absolutely love to receive and read this book!! I am a gymnast myself and I have a little sister who is a gymnast who would also enjoy reading this! I love to follow elite gymnastics!
    Facebook - Lydia Epping
    Twitter - GymSurvivor

  4. I'd love to read this book... I've been retired from gymnastics for almost three years now and I miss it every day. I love to find new ways of staying involved and interested, though, and I'm such a reader anyhow that this is a logical step. :) hahaha. Thanks for the giveaway, guys - you're the best!
    Facebook: Kayleigh Walsh
    Twitter: @kayleighrichel

  5. I would like to read gold medal summer because I love to read and I have several books similar to this and would like to know more of what it's about.

    Amanda Reynolds - Facebook
    @ycosette2009 - Twitter

  6. I would love to read Gold Medal Summer because it combines two of my favorite things in the world: reading and gymnastics! I'm fairly new to the sport, but I've grown to be so passionate about it that I sometimes even surprise myself! I think reading Gold Medal Summer would be a great opportunity to learn more about gymnastics get a little more insight into the daily life of a gymnast. I've also incorporated gymnastics into some of my own creative writing, so I would love to to see how others write about gymnastics in their work. Also, conveniently enough, I just finished the last book on my summer reading list, so this would be the perfect time to read Gold Medal Summer ;) Thanks so much for doing this contest, Triple Twist and Donna Freitas!

    Facebook- Michelle Jendry
    Twitter- @MitchieWithLove

  7. شركة نقل تخزين عفش بالظهران الخيار الأمثل لإجراء عملية لتخزين عفش صحيحة دون الاضرار بأى من المكونات المراد نقلها، فنحن نقدم خدمات لتخزين العفش والاثاث بكل
    من (الجبيل والخبر والقطيف) لما تمتاز به من خبرة وكفاءة عالية بمجال النقل، فضلاً عن إستعانتها بأفضل عمالة مدربة علي أعلى مستوى وأحدث معدات وأجهزة النقل.

    شركة تخزين عفش بالخبر

    قدم لك عزيزي العميل خدمات متميزة لتخزين العفش في مستودعات بها كل سبل الامان والحفاظ علي العفش من الخدش او الكسر او انتشار الحشرات فنحن شركة من اكبر الشركات المختصة بالعفش في
    المملكة ولنا باع طويل في هذا المجال ولدينا معرفة بكل مناطق الخبر وسهولة الوصول اليه ولدينا امكانيات متكاملة من عمالة ومعدات وادوات ومواد

    شركة تخزين عفش بالجبيل

    ان شركتنا شركة تخزين اثاث وعفش بالجبيل ليست شركة نقل عفش فقط من مكان إلى مكان أخر , ولكن شركتنا أيضا تعد أفضل شركة تخزين عفش بالجبيل فنحن نحرص على متابعة كل التطورات والتحديثات التي
    تتعلق بأعمال نقل وتخزين العفش بالإضافة الي قد استطاعت شركتنا من الوصول الى تحديثات كبيرة في مجال النقل والتخزين والاعتماد على أشكال متنوعة من المستودعات المؤمنة , وكل هذه التطورات قد تساعد

    شركة تخزين بالدمام

    بالفرق ولاول مرة وخاصة اذا كنت وسبق لك التعامل مع شركات تخزين اثاث اخري ،فعلي سبيل المثال تهتم شركة زهرة الشرقيه كثيرا بالتهوية الجيدة للمخازن المستودعات من خلال عمل فتحات تهوية بطريقة معينة بحيث لايمر الحشرات ولا الفئران من خلالها ،كما تقسم الشركة

    افضل شركة نقل عفش بالدمام

    نقل العفش عملاؤنا الكرام من الخدمات التي يجب علي من يقدمها يشترط التخصص وذلك لوجود العديد من المخاطر داخل خدمة نقل العفش ،ولابد من وجود ضمانات بالاضافة الي التامين علي العفش او البضائع
    المنقولة وذلك لخطورة اامر حيث تعتبر المنقولات غالية وثمينة وسوف تسبب العديد من المشاكل والخسائر الاقتصادية اذا قام العميل بالتعامل مع شركات غير متخصصة وغير معروفة ولاتشهر بالخبرة ،
    ومن هنا تحرص شركة نقل عفش بالدمام كل الحرص علي توفير خدمة نقل عفش امنة لتوفير عنصر الراحة والاطمئنان لدي العملاء يتم توفير خدمة الضمان والتامين مع نقل العفش
