Tuesday, June 10, 2014

10 Things You Don't Know About...Vanasia Bradley

1. I have a twin sister who looks nothing like me.
2. I collect fuzzy key chains from Claire's
3. I have a beautiful English shepherd named Brandi
4. I love Victoria's Secret/Pink
5. I was homeschooled 4th, 5th and 6th grade
6.  I love keeping my nails painted, but I almost never do because of competitions, no time, or I just can't keep them nice because of gymnastics.
7. My favorite place to be is Florida.
8. I had two guinea pigs- a boy named peanut butter and a named jelly. They had a total of eleven pups but my dad didn't let us keep any of them. Peanut butter lived to almost nine years old, which is super old for a guinea pig. They're only suppressed to live until five or six.
9.  My favorite color is dark purple and that's the color of my room
10. I love Bath and Body Works stress relief eucalyptus tea sugar scrub and matching lotion. The sugar scrub helps get the chalk off and smells really good. I don't know if it actually reliefs stress though!

10 Things You Don't Know About: